Hand cart, chariot, brougham, cabriolet,
chaise, coupe, dogcart, fourgon, hackney, surrey,
sulky, roadster, phaeton, landau, log canoe, skiff,
birch bark canoe, rowing shell, sail boat, power
boat, hydrofoil, unicycle, bicycle, motorcycle, steam car,
electric car, hybrid car, amphicar,
Lotus submarine car, Aerocar, Terrafugia
Flying Car, hovercraft, blimp, dirigible,
biplane, monoplane, ultralight, Mercury,
Gemini, Apollo, Shuttlecraft, SpaceX Dra-
gon spacecraft. Where we you going?
What do we hope to find? We're hurtling
down the road in our fourwheeled boxes. We
scream across the sky tucked into seats like human
pretzels, eating, little bags of yes, salted pretzels!
In turbulance we watch our drinks, float
off our trays, and fall into our laps! But
video teleconferencing simply lacks the
personal panache of thoseTSA
pat downs at the airport. So, get into your conveyance and
speed on your way. Feel the freedom of being in a far off, exotic land.
Eat their exotic, local cusine, served in your own hometown by a cousin
of the same chef serving you now. Tra- vel you say, it's the people, the
culture, and the view! But the home- land you left has
all types of people, every kind of culture,
every habitat, a melting pot of every exo-
tic place you have dream- ed of, served on a
sesame seed bun with fries and a shake, at the
drive-in, with your date, in your conveyance.
E. Eric Matus, 2011
Whaddayuh Think?
A Retired Navy Chief Pontificates and Ponders...
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