Monday, March 09, 2015

Mr. President,
I voted for you, twice.  I don't regret it for an instant.  Considering the choice available it was the only 'intelligent' choice.  You have been a good administrator of the Executive Branch but you have some inexplicable blind spots:

With Sequestration, you allowed the Federal Government to grant wholesale layoffs of senior workers in government contracting companies, of which many of my associates and I were part of.  We know it as 'Secastration'.

You helped Wall Street out of the economic mess they created but have done virtually nothing substantial to help the victims of Wall Streets illegal activities and Congress' unbelievable stupidity in lifting the hard fought protections set after the Depression. Your efforts to prosecute the perpetrators who blew up the US economy has be as weak as your effort to help the victims.  How hard would it have been to waive the taxes on Short Sales of homes for 6 yrs from 2006 to 2012?

And right now you are seemingly ignoring Kuwait's efforts to fund ISIL.  You need to go on record announcing that the US is well aware of Kuwait, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Qatar efforts to fund ISIL (  You need to demand that they stop.

Your getting the Affordable Care Act enacted was a major accomplishment despite the Medical Industry's and Republican's efforts to gouge out as much profit for themselves as possible.  No doubt like Social Security and Welfare it will take decades to clean up the profiteering and, other inserted opportunistic crap, out of the legislation that conservatives and commercial interests put in.

I'm retiring at age 62 in spite having plenty to contribute in my profession due to your 'Secastration' policy which may have stopped the Republicans but also put the kabosh on 55+ employees.  Don't try to use the highly inaccurate employment statistics.  I know that many of the 55+ unemployed are now claiming to be self-employed or have retired early so the statistics look rosy, just like a pair of 'rose colored' glasses.

Please set this last year coming up of your administration putting your focus on the righting the areas I covered above.  I've lost about $275,000 net when after a great review and raise I was laid off.  I was replaced by 'Matrix Org. processes' where my work was shifted to other divisions.  A 30 year younger worker earning half my pay, incapable of doing what I did, was added to the IT lab staff.  All of this supported by a Government Org. who couldn't lay their own 55+ workers off so they forced their contractors to lay their 55+ workers off, with 'sequestration' cuts to task orders.

I will vote for Hillary Clinton next, not because I think she will do me any favors but she will manage foreign affairs better than any available Republican, and she will make many fixes to the Affordable Care Act since she's an expert on that subject having almost gotten the original legislation through during her husbands period in office.

It never ceases to amaze me the way the GOP revises history.  Their presidents ran up the largest debts in history and blame Dems as 'tax and spend'.  They claim to be able to bomb our enemies into the last century but couldn't come up with a valid reason to go to war with Iran under GW Bush.  The Gov. of Fla. wants to run the country but spent not one dime to prevent over half of the State from succumbing to Global Warming inundation within the next 60 months (


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